Friday, May 1, 2015

Losing the Baby Weight

the most asked question I get is "how did you lose the baby weight?! you look good!" 

well, I'm about to let you in on my best kept secret..... I wrap. and no, I don't mean the It Works wraps. 

now, this method only works if you are less than 10lb away from your goal/original weight. so don't go thinking you can make major results like with the It Works wraps; those results are ones you'll have to pay for. but you WILL lose the bloating and a little bit of the pudge.

now first, you need to keep hydrated. and I don't just mean 8 glasses of water or a water bottle here and there. you will need to drink all day. keep a gallon size water filled and sip on the water. this works best if you cut out other fluids like juices, soda, and milk as well.

now, once you've had your fill of water, go get a roll of clear Saran Wrap. suck in your gut a little bit and wrap the Saran Wrap TIGHTLY around your midsection. start at your hips and end just under the underwire/band of your bra.

leave this on for as long as you possibly can (I usually do it at night and leave it on til morning) while continuing to drink water. and when you take it off you'll notice most of your bloating has subsided.

WARNING: you WILL sweat excessively. and this will be uncomfortable to have the Saran Wrap wrapped so tightly. it's not meant to be comfortable, it's meant to help you lose an inch or two.

some friends of mine have been known to wrap underneath their workout clothes and go walking or running on the treadmill and on the bikes at the gym too. this has proven to have even more successful results.

I hope you enjoy your journey to a thinner, less bloated, healthier-looking you!