first off, let me start off by saying that I am not writing this blog post in order to get a "oh Courtney you're so humble, you have such a good heart". if I wanted to do that I would have just posted it flat out on Instagram instead of sending you guys through the hassle of clicking on more links than necessary in order to get here.
this blog post is being written simply for my own reflection, and if others happen to want to read it that's fine by me.
I did a couple things over the past three days I thought I would never do.
1. I was cordial to someone on Instagram that I had a small altercation with in the recent past, and even went as far as to try and apologize for things I had said that came off in a threatening manner.
2. I apologized to one of my best friends for being a bitch when I shouldn't have been.
and lastly
3. I decided not only to better myself through clean eating and working out, but I've also taken someone in that I never would have agreed to in the past.
and let me just say, making decisions like this have opened up my heart to so much gratitude for the world around me as well as taking huge weights off of my shoulders. I can't wait for what the future holds for me. and I'm excited to share with people my journey and the places it leads me to.