the day I found out I was going to be a mom was a whirlwind of information and feelings I'd never experienced before. while exciting, it also brought a wave of confusion and questions that I had never had to think about before.
so there I found myself; sitting and researching and pondering all the new experiences I was going to have. the first 3 months were pure hell. I was sick all the time, and couldn't even muster the energy to get out of bed for weeks. I went from 125lb to 117lb in three or four days. I was admitted to the ER several times for dehydration because my morning sickness would not allow me to even keep myself hydrated, much less let me absorb any kind of nutrients from anything I consumed.
and then in the blink of an eye, the first trimester was over. I began to feel better and gain my strength back. the difference between my first and second trimesters was like night and day. and with the second trimester off to such a great start, I was able to focus on the next exciting adventure of my pregnancy: boy or girl.
by this time I had been oddly drawn to pink over blue, but I had convinced myself I was imagining it and that I was letting my hopes get the best of me. I thought for sure as time drew closer to my anatomy ultrasound that I was going to be the mother of a bouncing baby boy.
I remember waking up more vividly than anything. November 6th, 2014. glanced over at the clock and-- 15 minutes late! (I knew I should have set my alarm for earlier!) Terry and I rushed to get ready, threw on clothes and headed on our way to the hospital.
upon arrival I ran inside while he parked the car. the nurse called me back about 10 min after check-in and I prepared myself to see for the second time my little sea monkey on the ultrasound screen.
I laid back, she applied the cold jelly to my belly and there went the ultrasound scope.
it felt like forever as she went through all the normal measurements and anatomy. normal spine, normal head shape, normal abdomen, and all it's fingers and toes. yet another perfect heartbeat, and due date was set! April 2nd, 2015 seemed like a great day for a birthday to me.
the nurse turned from the screen and gave me a cheeky smile and asked the dreaded question; "would you like to know what you're having?".....
I thought for a moment, staring at my little baby moving and twirling and its little heart fluttering on the screen and said yes.
let me tell you this: the amount of time between the "yes" and the time they finally tell you seems like an eternity! I'm convinced they take forever on purpose so that you can rack your brain about all of the possible outcomes and make yourself over-anxious about the results.
and then she said it; "you're having a girl".....
Terry came in the room immediately after. and from the look on my face I figured he knew what was coming for him. he had missed the whole appointment. the nurse asked him if he was indeed the daddy and if he wanted to know what we were expecting.
he nodded with a smile, hoping for that little blue blessing. searching the ultrasound screen for any hint of a little penis.
the nurse looked at him with a smile and repeated what she had told me. and I waited for a reaction.
and that's when my loving boyfriend dropped his head low and laughed and smiled; hesaid quite frankly and matter-of-factly:
"shit. I'm screwed. looks like I'm getting a gun."
when we finally arrived home after my appointment, I asked him how he felt about the results, and he smiled cheekily and said "woman, you always get what you want. and I am ecstatic to be on this journey with you. now let me hurry and get back to work, the boys are all dying to know the gender....."
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