Thursday, April 16, 2015

Q&A: Session Two
 life without my husband being home is tough. understandably; because we haven't been apart for more than a day at a time for the past year and two months. but he's worth the struggles we face. I absolutely adore being a mom. I thought I would struggle with the sleep deprivation and the cries of a newborn; but I absolutely adore every minute of it. my life is exactly as I've always dreamed it should be. I love it. my daughter and my husband are my heart and soul. 

I love being a mom. it is the best thing that's ever happened in my life. I don't struggle with much. I struggled more during my pregnancy than I ever do now. I absolutely love this journey. it's been so rewarding.

being a new mom is soooo much better than the sickness and pain I felt throughout my pregnancy. I'm adjusting so well and so is she. she's such a happy little soul. and I absolutely love her. she's so sweet. 

my labor was the exact opposite of what I expected it to be. I thought the pain was going to be ridiculous. my labor was soooo easy. my pregnancy pain towards the end of it was worse than labor pains were.

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