Sunday, April 5, 2015

It's love story time!

I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. now, people say this all the time and it definitely gets overused and over played. but, in my case and in this story I'm about to tell, it has proven itself a thousand times over to be true.

in January 2014, my ex and I were fighting every day for weeks on end. and towards the end of the month I had given up. I had been dating him for a year and eight long months and felt no comfort as I looked towards our future together. so around the 25th, I broke it off. it ended just as any relationship would; horribly. there were fights over furniture being moved out of his house, and who was to take the dog. there were many rude and hurtful, awful things said between both parties. and I had found myself homeless and broken. I spent the next two weeks couch surfing. I clung to my very best friends at the time, and found comfort and refuge in them. I spent every day getting involved in drugs and alcohol to take my mind away from
all the pain my ex had caused. and when the week of Valentine's Day rolled around I was hit with more despair and felt as though a dark black cloud had unleashed itself on my pretty little life and stormed away my happiness.

the only comfort I had found during this time was in meeting Terry. at first he was awkward, quiet, and shy. he didn't say much, mainly just stared from across rooms at me. and our friends could tell he had taken to me. eventually they convinced him to speak up, and one day I noticed the first inkling of a spark forming. a facebook friend request. 
without thinking I accepted, little did I know that we would become something so much greater than that. 

it took him about a day and a half to gain up the courage, but he finally asked me to Valentine's Day dinner; a double date with our very best friends. Valentine's Day came and as I struggled with the normal thoughts (what to wear, how to portray myself, and what to order) he nervously prepared himself for possibly the most memorable night of my entire year.

he came by, picked me up in his souped up black Subaru, showed off, and we were headed on our way.

that night changed our lives forever and for the first time in well over a year, I felt cared about. on the way home to my friend's couch, I explained my shitty situation and how wrecked I felt about the previous gloomy events I'd been put through. and that's when it happened..... he took a deep breath, looked over and stared at me for a while, and said "you don't have to be homeless. you don't have to go house hopping between your friends. if you want, you can come stay with me. I know it's not much, and it's crazy to think we've only known each other about a week, and spoken to each other tonight for the first time..... but I have a comfy couch. I have a kitchen and a living space. you don't have to be alone and scared trying to figure out where you're going to stay and living out of your car."

and at that moment I took the biggest risk of my entire life; I said yes.

the first few days were definitely a change. we were awkward. he went off to work (he lived in military housing in a small apartment with his roommate and worked as an aviation structure mechanic for the navy) and I went to work as well ( at the time I was a cashier at Panera and a waitress in the evening hours at a sports bar). we hardly saw each other for the first week. but over the next month or so we transitioned from awkward roommates (rather couch mates since I slept on his futon) into inseparable love interest. we went everywhere together. I quit my jobs due to cut hours, and he stepped up to the plate and took care of whatever needed to be taken care of while I stayed at his place and cleaned and cooked for him. one night, I convinced him it was more than okay for him to confess if he had any feelings for me, and he nervously admitted. and from that night forward, we were double trouble. I never once left his side, and he never left mine; with the exception of his work, we were everything I could have ever dreamed of.

and so it began, the start of happy ever after. and I'll admit, I was way more than happy.


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